Herausforderung FachkräftemangelHerausforderung Fachkräftemangel

Challenge "skills shortage"

There is a steadily growing shortage of IT and OT specialists in Germany. Technical companies are desperately looking for engineers to be competitive in the future. Filling open positions requires a great deal of time and financial effort.

We are different, we think holistically, we have the solution!

Do you need skilled employees?

Previous approaches to filling vacancies have been costly and largely unsuccessful?

Common recruiting methods do not create a sustainable solution?

Applicants have too high salary demands?

There are not enough qualified specialists in Germany!

We fill your vacancies with experienced IT and OT professionals from India.
- 100% demand-driven, fast and cost-effective -.


The best solution
for your skilled specialists demand

Through Xpertsforwork's specially developed ANTRINON step-by-step model, employers and international professionals find each other more quickly. Intercultural hurdles are deliberately removed and the candidate is prepared for the new working environment and the employer for the new employee. The use of digital tools accelerates the recruiting and selection process.

Modern, fast and successful!

4 Steps to reach a successful cooperation




The needs and work environment analysis is the first and at the same time the most important phase in the process. Together with our customers, the requirements for the professional and social skills of the specialists are discussed. The future working environment is also analyzed and defined.

The analysis speeds up the selection of candidates, you save time and costs.


Intercultural TRaining 

All our candidates already undergo intercultural training in their country of origin. Special training programs prepare them for the German labor market and the new employer.

Job interviews and the onboarding process are shortened sustainably. Employees can be deployed sooner.



In this phase, the interviews take place. These are conducted as video interviews. To ensure that everything works perfectly, we accompany the first interviews on both sides. Both parties have sufficient opportunity to get to know each other, even in more interviews than usual.
Phase 3 concludes hopefully with the signing of the employment contract.

The interviews are more intensive and more meaningful than usual job interviews. This creates mutual trust for the conclusion of the contract and future cooperation.



During the onboarding phase, we offer individual support for our customers and new employees on request. These range from assistance with official matters to support in the private sphere.
The new employee thus arrives much faster in our company and can better concentrate on the professional tasks.

The new employees can fully concentrate on their professional tasks. Familiarization is often faster than usual. 

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